A 1 year VLAIO R&D project (June 2023 – May 2024) has been approved which supports the development of our biobased sandwichpanel. The latter consists of a skin of C-Hemp and a core of mycelium. The project consists of 3 work packages.

Work package 1 deals with the development of the C-Hemp. Here we will test impact of the hemp shredding and test different biobased binders. Thorough property testing (strength, etc…) will be performed. The best “formulation” will then be upscaled to larger plates. We collaborate with Bruijn consulting for execution of this work. An environmental impact assessment will be performed as well.

Work package 2 deals with the development of the mycelium core layer. We will test different organic material to grow the material on and play with size and density. We also do thorough property testing (thermal and acoustic insulation, strength, etc…). The best formulation will then be upscaled and used for the sandwichpanel. We collaborate with Studio Cartier for this development. An environmental impact assessment will be performed as well.

Work package 3 deals with the linking of core and skin in a sandwich structure and looking at the connection and properties of the sandwich prototype. The final goal of the project is to have a prototype at scale of a biobased sandwichpanel ready for industrial production. In this WP we collaborate with the KU Leuven lab  of Prof. Aart van Vuure and Jan Wurm.